February 8, 2022
My name is JeremÃas Muriette!
I am a Software Engineer with a great passion for Frontend development. My journey started as a Backend developer, but over time I discovered and started working with Frontend technologies.
that I fell in love with, therefore I have knowledge in both areas.
Additionally, I have a Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology and Physiotherapy, with a postgraduate
degree in Global Postural Reeducation.
A couple of years ago I found myself in need of a change, and that led me to discover my love for
software development. In addition to my formal programming studies I am taking online courses
self-teaching myself by developing interesting projects. Some of the courses I have taken
Modern JavaScript, FullStack Development with MERN and Development with Angular. The more I
learn, the more convinced I become that software development is my true passion!
I consider myself a flexible, observant person, easy to adapt, eager to learn and progress.
Currently Im working with Tecnologies like React JS + Redux , TypeScript, SCSS,
Node JS, PostrgeeSQL, Prisma and AWS . Thank you for reading and I hope you have a beautiful day!
October 10, 2021
REST API and minimalist frontend of an E-Commerce admin site
Application developed with React + Vite stack (REACT JS, NODE JS,
EXPRESS JS & MONGO DB) which allows the search and view a list of heroes related to MARVEL and DC companies.
Check it out!
February 2, 2022
Rest server, developed with NODE which allows us to perform all the crud operations in the
backend of a cafe-bar, which has its users, products and categories.
The database used is mongo-db and also the authentication and login of the users is
implemented to be able to access the crud operations.
In this App, JavaScript, HTML, mongoose, Express, JSON, JWT and NPM were put into practice.
December 11, 2021
Gif App
Application under development using React. It allows the user to search gifs and displays the
results on the screen.
January 4, 2022
Blackjack Game
Blackjack GAME developed with JavaScript as a Modern JavaScript course training.
January 10, 2022
Task application which allows us to create, list, filter and delete the tasks stored in the
Local Storage.
In this App, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, WebPack, JSON, BABEL and NPM were put into practice.
March 25, 2021
Website for Security Company
Website developed as a Freelance developer using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript.
February 8, 2022
Console weather app with history, developed with NODE JS, The practices/packages/APIs that I
used were:Use of Environment Variables-package request-Axios package-
Mapbox places to get places by name-OpenWeather to get the weather.